MP praises transformation of Alnwick Playhouse

Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, right, with Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Coun Gordon Castle.Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, right, with Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Coun Gordon Castle.
Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, right, with Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Coun Gordon Castle. | Other 3rd Party
Renovation works at Alnwick Playhouse have been praised by Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan.

She was met by Playhouse Manager Jo Potts, who gave her a guided tour of the new theatre and library.

The Playhouse closed in the summer to enable the works to be carried out by Northumberland County Council as part of a £3.3million development project.

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Anne-Marie said: “This is a truly transformation from the old Playhouse and the inclusion of a library was a great idea.

Alnwick Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan.Alnwick Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan.
Alnwick Playhouse manager Jo Potts and Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan. | Other 3rd Party

“They have utilised the space with ingenuity and flare, creating a warm and friendly venue that can be used by the residents of Alnwick and visitors throughout the day.

“I am very impressed with the final outcome and this will continue to be a great asset for Alnwick in the future.”

The improvements include increased legroom and a new hearing aid loop system and a new restaurant and café.