Make sure you stand out during darker nights

Northumberland County Council is encouraging people to ensure they can be clearly seen by motorists.Northumberland County Council is encouraging people to ensure they can be clearly seen by motorists.
Northumberland County Council is encouraging people to ensure they can be clearly seen by motorists.
Northumberland County Council is encouraging people throughout the county to ensure they are wearing bright colours and can be clearly seen by motorists.

The local authority has visited schools throughout the county, talking to pupils about the importance of wearing bright and reflective clothing in winter, helping to improve their visibility to drivers.

While visiting schools, the council provided students with a reflective clip-on for their own use to help with their personal safety on their daily school journey. It is recommended for young people, whose school uniforms are usually dark, to ensure they wear bright and reflective outerwear or possibly add reflectors to items such as bags.

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Coun Glen Sanderson, cabinet member for the environment and local services, said: “It is important, not only for schoolchildren, but for everyone, to wear suitable, bright and reflective clothing in the darker evenings, to ensure they are clearly visible to motorists.”