Latest results from the courts

News from the courts.News from the courts.
News from the courts.
Some of the latest results from Berwick and Mid and South East Northumberland magistrates' courts.

A Blyth woman has been given a curfew and restraining order after pleading guilty to assault.

Mary Anne Dickson, 44, of Disraeli Street, admitted beating up Samantha Watson in the town on December 27 last year.

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She was given a three-month curfew with electronic monitoring. Her restraining order stops her from contacting the victim or from going to Blyth’s Plessey Road for a year. She also needs to pay £50 compensation.

○ A Tweedmouth man has been ordered to keep the peace after an incident in the town earlier this month.

Andrew Middlemiss, 49, of Henderson Court, admitted breaching the peace at Henderson Court. The complaint was made by Gary Smith.

Magistrates at Bedlington bound Middlemiss over in the sum of £50 for three months to keep the peace, especially towards Mr Smith.

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○ Galashiels man Raymond Russell, 37, of Kennilworth Avenue, pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis while on holiday at Haggerston Castle Caravan Park last year. He was ordered to pay £195 in fines and costs.

○ A Blyth man has pleaded guilty to stealing items from a convenience shop.

Brian Michael Walton, 32, of Northumberland Court, admitted to pinching milk, bacon and cheese – with an accomplice – to the value of £86 from a Spar store. He was ordered to pay £198, including £43 in compensation and a £40 fine.

○ A man who bombarded a woman with calls, abusive messages and an offensive Valentine’s card has been given a restraining order.

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Greg Andrew Colden, 30, of Winshields, Cramlington, pleaded guilty to harassing Abi Pyecroft between February 12 and 15 this year. He must complete 70 hours’ unpaid work and a rehabilitation requirement, plus pay £170 in costs.

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