Mum and seven-week-old baby spat at in 'disgusting' attack in North East

Stock image from Northumbria PoliceStock image from Northumbria Police
Stock image from Northumbria Police | Other 3rd Party
Police have condemned a ‘disgusting’ attack in which a mum and her seven-week-old baby were spat at by a stranger.

Northumbria Police are appealing for information after the incident, which happened at about 4pm on Friday June 5, when a 28-year-old woman was pushing her newborn son in a push chair in Car Hill Road in Gateshead.

Officers said she was approached by a group of seven teenagers she did not know when one of the group asked her if she had a cigarette.

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When the mother refused she was verbally abused by the group before one of the teenagers spat at her.

Police said the spit missed both the mother and child and landed on the rain cover of the push chair.

The group then headed off in the direction of the Windy Nook Tesco while the mother was able to return home uninjured but very shaken.

Sergeant Mark Allan said the force has launched an investigation to identify the group involved and are appealing for help from the public.

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“This is a despicable offence that has left a mother and her young child terrified and traumatised,” he said.

“It is an unprovoked attack by a stranger. Spitting at someone is disgusting at the best of times but to do so during the Coronavirus pandemic is appalling and incredibly dangerous.

“We have offered the mother some support but our investigation is focused on identifying those involved so we can take the appropriate action.”

He added: “People in the community will know who they are and we need you to contact us with information.

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“This type of behaviour will not be tolerated and will be met by a robust response from neighbourhood officers.”

The group are described as:

:: A tall female with a black PVC coat and a female with purple hair in a bun.

:: Three male teenagers, one who was described as wearing a grey jumper and two who were described as small.

:: The seventh member of the group is only described as wearing orange but the victim was unable to say if they were male or female.

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Anyone with information that may assist police is asked to call 101 quoting log 625 05/06/20.

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