Commemorating Boulmer Airfield

Director general of the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust Kenneth Bannerman, Group Captain Kevin Cowieson, Station Commander of RAF Boulmer, and others at the unveiling of the memorial.Director general of the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust Kenneth Bannerman, Group Captain Kevin Cowieson, Station Commander of RAF Boulmer, and others at the unveiling of the memorial.
Director general of the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust Kenneth Bannerman, Group Captain Kevin Cowieson, Station Commander of RAF Boulmer, and others at the unveiling of the memorial.
A new memorial to honour the role that the former Boulmer Airfield had in the Second World War was unveiled last weekend.

The Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust (ABCT) installed the memorial on the southern edge of Boulmer village, looking onto the land where the runway was located.

RAF Boulmer Station Commander, Group Captain Chesh Cowieson, Warrant Officer David Barr, Longhoughton parish councillors and residents attended the ceremony on Sunday.

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ABCT director general Kenneth Bannerman said: “Boulmer Airfield unusually originally served in World War Two as a decoy airfield for legendary Northumberland RAF base Acklington, later becoming a real airfield to assist with Spitfire advanced flying training.

“Although today’s famous radar station is technically separate from the World War Two site, this airfield still remains greatly remembered and appreciated.”

The ABCT is aimed to commemorate each known disused airfield site in Britain. Almost 200 are scheduled to be in place by the end of this year.

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