Alnwick's Grannies Tearoom becomes 100th business member of Produced in Northumberland network

Grannies Tearoom and Delicatessen in Alnwick is the 100th business member of the Produced in Northumberland scheme.Grannies Tearoom and Delicatessen in Alnwick is the 100th business member of the Produced in Northumberland scheme.
Grannies Tearoom and Delicatessen in Alnwick is the 100th business member of the Produced in Northumberland scheme. | Other 3rd Party
An Alnwick tearoom and delicatessen has become the 100th business member of a scheme to promote the county’s food and drink.

Grannies Tearoom and Delicatessen, of Narrowgate, showcases a wealth of Produced In Northumberland members and products.

Owner Martina Potter said: “We are very excited to be a part of the scheme, it provides excellent opportunities for promotional advertising. It’s great that, through social media and the Produced in Northumberland network, so many people will be able to see us.”

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Produced in Northumberland (PiN) is a business initiative developed and delivered by Northumberland County Council’s housing and public protection service in partnership with tourism development and local food and drink businesses throughout the county.

Launched in February 2015 this verification scheme guarantees the provenance of local food and drink products and has successfully contributed to the economic impact of Northumberland.

Coun Cath Homer, cabinet member for culture, arts, leisure and tourism, said: “The true value of the region’s fantastic produce cannot be underestimated. The Produced in Northumberland scheme gives businesses a real platform to push their products and get the recognition they truly deserve.”

The economic impact of food tourism in the county is worth almost £302m (2018) an increase of 8.1% compared to £290.38m (2017) and accounts for 36% of all tourism expenditure and 31% of all tourism employment.

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Alnwick county councillors Gordon Castle and Robbie Moore added: “It’s great to see our Produced in Northumberland scheme going from strength to strength, with more and more local businesses coming on board, promoting the amazing food and drink available in the county.

“We’re delighted our 100th producer comes from Alnwick and are looking forward to many more producers coming on board in the future.”

Producers who wish to be part of the scheme are inspected by Trading Standards and Environmental Health Officers who verify that the food and drink sold are made in Northumberland.

Officers will be promoting the scheme along with Produced in Northumberland members at a number of the county's up and coming food festivals, including the Alnwick Food Festival (Sep 21-22) and Morpeth Food & Drink Festival (Oct 5-6).