Bamburgh Festival
Picture by Jane ColtmanBamburgh Festival
Picture by Jane Coltman
Bamburgh Festival Picture by Jane Coltman | JPIMedia Resell

16 pictures from when the weather gods smiled on Bamburgh Festival

The weather gods smiled on the inaugural Bamburgh Festival as large crowds came along to see the village at its best.

One large marquee on Castle Green was bursting with local produce and gifts of all sorts, while the fairground attractions, the face painting and the miniature donkeys were a huge hit with the kids.

The Potted Lobster’s amazing seafood stand; the village BBQ, Kit’s Banana Splits, and a Prosecco stand all did a roaring trade, as did the other food outlets.

Acoustic duo ‘Big Sky’ performed 'unplugged' versions of our favourite rock, pop and folk songs in front of the Pavilion, where many folk enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a sit down in the glorious sunshine.

The festival culminated with the dog show, followed by the competition prize awards; the raffle draw; and a very lively auction, in which much of the winning competition produce was sold.

All proceeds from the event will be used to fund next year's festival, as well as for village assets and activities.

The festival was created by the combination of the village fair and show, previously run as separate events.