Virus measures hit new home numbers in Northumberland

Virus measures have slowed new houses building in NorthumberlandVirus measures have slowed new houses building in Northumberland
Virus measures have slowed new houses building in Northumberland
New house building in Northumberland has slowed down following the introduction of Covid-19 restrictions, new figures show.

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) figures show that 80 new homes were finished in the area between April and June this year – a fall from the 410 completed in the same three-month period last year.

The figure includes homes built by housing associations and the local authority.

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Over the 12 months to June, 1,350 new homes were finished in Northumberland – a decrease of 22% from the previous 12 months.

In the county, construction began 110 new homes between April and June this year – down from 370 last year.

Charity Shelter says the country now faces a worsening "housing emergency" and has called on the Government to ramp up a financial package to provide more social housing.

Nationally, 16,520 new houses were finished between April and June – down from 46,330 on the same period last year.

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Shelter chief executive Polly Neate said: “There are over a million households on social housing waiting lists, and sadly many more are likely to join them as the recession bites and people lose their homes.

“The Government has to act. We urgently need a rescue package of social house building to avert a lengthy crash that could wipe out tens of thousands of new homes and jobs.”

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick last month announced a £12bn plan to support the building of 180,000 affordable homes for ownership and rent.

An MHCLG spokesperson said the ministry was "determined" to build more houses quicker and was overhauling the planning system.